Monday, November 12, 2018

Alert - Please Tell the Neighborhood Council to Oppose the 720 Rose Apartment Project

Please send the following message to members of the Venice Neighborhood Council  <>  opposing Venice Community Housing Corp's proposal to build the first four-story building in the Oakwood neighborhood.

The VCHC is soliciting non-Venice residents to deluge the Board with emails.  We need to fight back to protect Venice from over-development. 

Dear Members of the Venice Neighborhood Council, 

The VCHC's proposal is too tall, too dense, has too little parking, and is way out of character with Venice.  It is extremely out of step with both the Venice Specific Plan and the desires of residents for Venice to remain a low-rise community.  Approving its 45-foot height and almost no parking will set a dangerous precedent. Send it back to the drawing board!