Venice Stakeholders is looking to raise $5,000 to retain legal counsel
to oppose the conversion of the Westminister Center to storage and keep
alive the prospect of other uses such as a Venice Historical Museum
and/or an office for park rangers for the Venice Beach Recreation Area
and policing other parks in Venice. Contributions, which are tax
deductible, can be made by PayPal to or
sent to VSA c/o 1615 Andalusia Avenue, Venice, CA. All donations will
be used for legal research, and opposing the storage use, such as
challenging the facility's change of use from recreation to a
non-recreation use and application for a project permit under the Venice
Local Coastal Specific Plan.
UPDATE: We have now raised $750 towards the $5,000 needed to retain legal counsel. In the meantime our attorneys are reviewing legal challenges as a courtesy.

The Venice Stakeholders Association is dedicated to civic improvement. The VSA supports slow growth, protection of the limits of the Venice Local Coastal Specific Plan, neighborhood safety, better traffic circulation, increased parking for residents, neighborhood beautification projects, historic preservation and protection of coastal waters.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
KPPC AirTalk Discussion of Venice Homeless Proposals
Sunday, April 17, 2016
ALERT: Oppose Westminster Storage, Homeless Housing on Venice Blvd. and 24 Hour Beach Restrooms
As you will read in the article below, Mike Bonin is proceeding with his plans to turn the Westminster Senior Center into Public Storage for the homeless, convert the parking lot on the Venice Blvd. median at Pacific Avenue to subsidized homeless housing and to roll back the Beach Curfew and open the Venice Beach restrooms 24 hours a day.
He is moving on these projects without public hearings in the community on each of these proposals; indeed, he has already set them in motion by introducing Motions in City Council. Usually these proposals would have been the subject of hearings in our neighborhoods before Motions would be sent to the Council.
Below is an excerpt from my recent Yo!Venice column outlining the problems with his proposals, and in the instance of storage, recommending that any of the industrial buildings on Del Rey Avenue south of Washington Blvd. would be a much better site - they are not close to residences.
Please send an email to Mike's Chief Deputy Chad Molnar ( opposing each of these proposals:
I oppose:
1. The use the Westminster Center for storage of transients' possessions. This will bring hundreds of campers back to this park and with them break-ins, late-night noise, trash, public inebriation, defecation and urination, and assaults. Del Rey Avenue, an industrial strip, is a much better site for a storage facility.
2. The use of the Venice Blvd. median parking lot for homeless housing. This site should be redeveloped with a parking structure to double or triple the parking for residents and beach visitors. This neighborhood has already struggled with crime associated with homeless campers on these parking lots and the Canal boat landing; please do not congregate even more homeless here in the future.
3. The relaxation of the Beach Curfew. The curfew is one of the few laws that limit criminal activity along the beach front. Relaxing the 12-5 am curfew to accommodate use of the beach restrooms will remove this proactive crime fighter, bring back drug dealing and use, prostitution and assaults to the restrooms, and only encourage more transients to live along the Boardwalk and walk streets.
Please copy and forward this entire message to your friends and neighbors in Venice.
From Yo!Venice (4/15/16)
The most poorly thought out proposal is to turn the Westminster Senior Center
into a storage facility for homeless possessions. This location has previously been used as a
campground by transients and some of them have relentlessly preyed upon the
nearby residents. The LAPD has only in
the last year kept the park relatively clear and addressed the crime in the area. Drawing transients to this site on a daily
basis will certainly result in renewed camping around the center and in nearby
alleys and more opportunistic crime directed at the residents. It makes far more sense to rent warehouse/office
space in the industrial strip along Del
Rey Avenue between Washington Boulevard and Maxella for use
as an intake center for the County’s Coordinated Entry System (CES), with
storage – both voluntary and involuntary - as an ancillary element. This location is removed from residences, would
draw transients away from the impacted areas on Venice Beach,
and offers a site for case workers to enroll homeless into the CES, which
tracks and coordinates all governmental contacts with homeless
individuals. It also allows social
workers to develop and carry-out tailored placements into services, secure
benefits and housing. Storage without
engagement just leaves folks on the street.
Similarly, Mike’s proposal to re-purpose the Venice median parking lot
between Pacific and Dell as subsidized housing for the homeless misses the
stated target in several ways.
While Venice is indeed losing affordable housing due to
rising rents, the proposed subsidized housing on the median lot will be for
those at the very bottom of the economic ladder, not the college students,
cashiers, teachers, nurses, security guards, artists, etc., who cannot afford
an apartment in Venice. Adding more
subsidized housing for the homeless will not address the loss of this type of work
force housing in the least.
When asked if Mike had identified any other city parking
lots or land in CD 11 for similar homeless housing, Mike’s chief deputy Chad
Molnar said Mike “started in Venice because the
homeless population is greatest there and (Venice) is losing more affordable housing at
a faster clip there.” But Venice already
has twice as much subsidized housing per capita as any other community in
Council District 11*. It is long overdue
for other communities in CD 11 to step up and offer their parking lots for
homeless housing to match Venice’s
track record.
Venice has a large transient
population not because of higher rents in recent years; I bet Bonin’s staff
could not find more than ten people living on Venice
Beach who were forced out of
apartments in Venice
by rent increases, which are limited by rent control to 3% per year. Venice
has this large population due to the beach, sun, drugs, fast food outlets, and
most importantly, lack of enforcement and failure to stop the storage of tons
of personal possessions along the Boardwalk, which is not allowed, for example,
in the park next to City Hall.
The amount of housing required to house Los Angeles’
homeless population is staggering to contemplate and even more bewildering when
one considers the time it will take to fund, design, acquire sites and
construct it. Whatever units could be
built on the Venice
median site would be a drop in the bucket compared to the vast number of units
that are required. They also would not
be available for many years, while the encampments in Venice fester and continue to ruin the
quality of life of nearby residents and business owners.
It makes far more sense to take the funds available for that
project and master rent apartment buildings in less expensive areas of LA County
(as OPCC in Santa Monica does) and operate them as shared housing with four
beds in each two bedroom apartment and a case worker on site. This would truly implement the “Housing
First” concept and allow the social service agencies in Venice to quickly move some of our campers
into housing.
The other nonsensical aspect of using the median site for
subsidized housing is that it runs counter to Venice’s need for parking. The one message I heard continuously from the
Coastal Commission in our years-long battle to garner overnight restricted
parking was that Venice
desperately needs an over-arching plan to develop far more visitor serving parking
spaces. An automated parking structure
on that median lot, with one subterranean floor and two above ground would
start to address the Commission’s concern.
Finally, as I pointed out in an earlier column, affordable
housing, even for those initially homeless, cannot be built without its own
dedicated parking without inevitably robbing parking from Venice residents who now use it. As former homeless tenants improve their
lives they acquire jobs, mates, occasionally children. And cars.
So, on this site a significant amount of tenant parking will be
required, which will cut into either the number of units that can be built or
the number of parking spaces left for visitors and current residents. The City can finance far more units on less
expensive land inland.
Here's the full article:
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